Where does google chrome store bookmarks windows.old
Where does google chrome store bookmarks windows.old

Click the dropdown box to select your drive letter of the crashed drive. If System Restore was enabled on the crashed drive you might be able to get your bookmarks using Shadow Explorer. Someone said it could be in "Default" or "Profile 1" or "Profile 2". I do have Show Hidden Files and Folders enabled. Remember this is a failed Refresh that keeps freezing at %3 'Setting Up a Few More Things", suposidly from the drive itseld running out of space, so maybe it never finished the :\Windows.old Chrome copying. I was suggested Everything.exe and search for bookmarks and if not found assume it's gone. I read various other forum threads which say your chrome bookmarks DO get removed from -Refresh Your PC without Affecting You Files-, but they should be moved to a newly created folder C:\Windows.old (or maybe in my case D:\), either way, I don't see the chrome or bookmarks files. I did have Chrome installed on the new Windows 10 drive and maybe it was conflicting or something but I'm not sure I even deleted a chrome icon or anything Chrome or Google related in the crashed drive.Īny tricks I can try one last time to try and get my bookmarks? Is it safe to say the old bookmarks are gone?Īlong the lines I may have deleted a chrome icon in the old drive, I'm not really sure. In my bottom left Search bar I searched 'bookmark', then search by Document, but it finds nothing either. In Windows 10 I didn't install Chrome yet so it doesn't maybe conflict with the old copy of Chrome. There's not even a Google folder before there. I then bought a new 1TB SSD and Windows 10 and was able to get most of my stuff back but I can't find the Chrome bookmark file(s) inĬ:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks)

where does google chrome store bookmarks windows.old

I made some posts and was told it did something like ran out of space and just could not complete the refresh/install, it was only a 2450GB drive, would have been nice if it warned me or something like that, just some stupid 8.1 error I guess. I had a windows 8.1 PC crash, it wasn't getting internet no matter any basic fixes I tried, so I just did a 'Refresh Without Affecting Your Files' but then it froze at "Setting up a few more things".

where does google chrome store bookmarks windows.old

(1) Question - Are these crashed drive Recuva-recovered Chrome bookmarks usable? | Tom's Hardware Forum I MOVED THIS TOPIC TO A MUCH SIMPLER THREAD HERE

Where does google chrome store bookmarks windows.old